Monday 11 November 2019

                               Old Fashioned 
      Hey guys,
I was thinking about what I should write today, and I think I have the perfect thing.
Have you ever wanted to be born in the 1800s or the 1950s? Did you think it would be fun, because there was no TV, no cellphone (that's what I thought)!
But as I searched about those time periods, it was not that great for girls.
 I searched up women teacher rules.  You will find a list of rules, a long list of what women were not allowed to do when they were a teacher.
When you read this you find you can't marry when you are a women teacher.
When they are teachers, I feel they are giving up a lot of their freedom.
In 1919 no married women were allowed to work as teachers, for it was frowned upon!
In 1935 in the women's contracts if they got married they lost there jobs.  But when the Second World War started with the shortage of men married women were able to teach.  The World War II started 1 September 1939 and ended on the 2 September 1945.  After this women were allowed to be married and work as teachers.

Women's vote

Did you know the years before 1893 women in New Zealand were not allowed to vote?
Did you know the years before 1920 for the USA women were not allowed to vote? 
Kate Sheppard led the suffrage campaign.  On the 19 September 1893 governor Lord Glasgow signed a new Electoral Act into law.   New Zealand  was the first self governing country in the world where women were allowed to vote in elections. For Kate Sheppard's role in New Zealand history she has been acknowledged and her picture is on our 10 dollar note.
 In the early 21st century NZ women have held authorized positions: Prime Minister, Governor-General and Chief Justice.
As for Great Britain and the United States and some other country's, women were not allowed to vote until after the First World War.
In August 18 1920 in USA women were signed over rights to vote.
Which I have to say is amazing, that women in New Zealand were allowed to vote before the rest of the world.  GO NEW ZEALAND!
Kate Sheppard

I hope you guys have learned something today.  I really had fun and did learn a few things.
Have a wonderful day!

     -Suzy Joy xoxo


  1. This was such a cool post Suzy!
    I think it is so cool that New Zealand was the first country to allow women to vote!
    I have definitely thought about what it would be like to live in the 1800 - 1950s, I thought it would be quite cool. I feel sorry for all of the teachers though!

    1. I know right, because it's a bit of a surprise for you would think that America or London or something would you know be the first.
      Same here the teacher thing I just really found out today.
      -Suzy Joy xoxo
