Tuesday 3 March 2020

I'm back and Excited:)
I'm sorry guys, I have not posted since last year. Now I'm back and ready to write more!!!
I have lots of ideas for this year, so lets get started.
My top ten all time favorite books
We all got favorite books, we can sit down and read again and again. Today I'll be telling you my top ten.
    1.The Naturals
     By Jennifer Lynn Barnes

 Follow Cassie into the world of FBI's program. The only reason Cassie said yes was to find out what happened to her mother. Cassie's mother disappeared/murder, Cassie does not know, what happened to her. Join her and her friends of the cases of a lifetime.
2.Cat Royal
By Julia Golding

Follow me into Cat Royals world, where she was found on a doorstep of Drury Lanes Theater. Cat is adventuress, funny and so is going to get in alot of danger. I love reading these, thanks to my friend, who told me to read them.
3.Girl online
By Zoe Sugg
 Penny would rather look through a camera than being on the other side of the camera. Penny starts a blog called Girl Online, then a really I mean really embarrassing thing happened. Then things start looking up, now enters Brooklyn boy. You will go through ups and downs with Penny, Zoe Sugg did amazing job writing these. Thank you to another friend, who told me to read them.

           4. Starbound trilogy
By Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner

These Broken Stars, This Shattered World, Their fractured Lights are young adult romances. All the books connect somehow, they all want the same thing. They were all a bit different, but I was really happy with how it ended. I would recommend this book series to anyone.
5. The Academy The Ghost Bird
By C.L.Stone
The Ghost Bird series is about Sang, who used invisible girl in class. Until she meets Kota, Victor, Silas, Gabriel, Nathan, Luke, North, Dr. Green and Mr Blackbourne. Where she founds out they are from a mysterious Academy. You will get glued to the world of the Academy, you will want to found out, what is this mysterious Academy. What are Academy guys doing in Ashley Waters High School.
6. My Sister's Keeper
By Jodi Picoult
My Sister's keeper is about Anna is has undergone, thousands of surgeries, transfusions and shots for her older sister Kate. Anna was only born as a bone marrow match for Kate. Anna does not want to go through anymore surgeries or anything, but if she doesn't her older sister will die. Anna goes and gets a lawyer and then she took her parents to court. My sister's keeper will have you pouring your eyes out.
6. The Embassy Row
By Ally Carter
Ally Carter has been one of my favourite authors for a while now. The embassy row is about Grace, after her Mother's death (Murder), she gets sent to live with her Grandfather in the USA embassy. Grace is plagued with dreams and the scarred man that killed her mother. The only thing is no one believes her, they said her Mother was not murdered. You will get sucked into the world of The Embassy Row.
7.The Lunar Chronicles
By Marissa Meyer
The Lunar Chronicles will keep you up all night. Cinder is cyborg, yeah I know shocking. Scarlet is earthen/Lunar working on her Grandma's farm. Cress is a Lunar shell, who lives in satellite. Fairest is about Queen Levana and how she became the evil queen, she is now. Winter is Queen Levana's stepdaughter, Winter is beautiful with the love of animals. You have to read this series, if you love retellings of fairy tales this is for you.
8. Hagenheim series
By Melanie Dickerson
I love these books, Melanie Dickerson did amazing job with these retellings.
All the books link together, so you do have to read these in order. All I can tell you they are really good. Thank you to another friend, who told me to read them.
By Jennifer Donnelly
Isabelle isn't the beautiful girl that won the Princes heart, No Isabelle is the ugly stepsister that cut off her toes. After Ella left and married the prince. All the towns people heard, about what they did to her. You better watch out Fate and Chance are on their there way to make sure things go their ways. Let's found out what happened after Ella married the prince.
10.A Murder Most Unladylike Mystery
By Robin Stevens
Murder Most Unladylike is about Daisy and Hazel as they solve mysteries.
They will dig up everyone's secrets and they always find the murder. The mysteries are so good, you might think you know who was the murder. Chances are that you are mostly wrong.

That's it guys, these are my top ten favourite books. I hope maybe you liked this posted and maybe given you an idea of what to read. Thank you to my Friends, who recommend books to me. I love you guys!
Suzy Joy going offline xoxo

Monday 11 November 2019

                               Old Fashioned 
      Hey guys,
I was thinking about what I should write today, and I think I have the perfect thing.
Have you ever wanted to be born in the 1800s or the 1950s? Did you think it would be fun, because there was no TV, no cellphone (that's what I thought)!
But as I searched about those time periods, it was not that great for girls.
 I searched up women teacher rules.  You will find a list of rules, a long list of what women were not allowed to do when they were a teacher.
When you read this you find you can't marry when you are a women teacher.
When they are teachers, I feel they are giving up a lot of their freedom.
In 1919 no married women were allowed to work as teachers, for it was frowned upon!
In 1935 in the women's contracts if they got married they lost there jobs.  But when the Second World War started with the shortage of men married women were able to teach.  The World War II started 1 September 1939 and ended on the 2 September 1945.  After this women were allowed to be married and work as teachers.

Women's vote

Did you know the years before 1893 women in New Zealand were not allowed to vote?
Did you know the years before 1920 for the USA women were not allowed to vote? 
Kate Sheppard led the suffrage campaign.  On the 19 September 1893 governor Lord Glasgow signed a new Electoral Act into law.   New Zealand  was the first self governing country in the world where women were allowed to vote in elections. For Kate Sheppard's role in New Zealand history she has been acknowledged and her picture is on our 10 dollar note.
 In the early 21st century NZ women have held authorized positions: Prime Minister, Governor-General and Chief Justice.
As for Great Britain and the United States and some other country's, women were not allowed to vote until after the First World War.
In August 18 1920 in USA women were signed over rights to vote.
Which I have to say is amazing, that women in New Zealand were allowed to vote before the rest of the world.  GO NEW ZEALAND!
Kate Sheppard

I hope you guys have learned something today.  I really had fun and did learn a few things.
Have a wonderful day!

     -Suzy Joy xoxo

Sunday 10 November 2019


                     Hey guys,

               Welcome to my blog and my very first post. I'm Suzy your friendly blogger:)
                                                       Let me tell you about myself
                                                              - I love reading
                                                              - I like writing poems and stories
                                                              - I love hanging out with my friends
                                                              - Movies (well who doesn't)
                                                              - I love chocolate
  Okay, lets get into it!!!

                                                                    Wonder: Book V's Movie
           I know this came out in 2017, but who can't love this cute, amazing movie.
   So I actually read the book first then watched the movie. The reason why I did that is so I can kind of judge the movie. For "Wonder" I found it was very close to the book.
I found the book in a second hand shop and I bought it, at the time I was staying at my Grandad's house. I had told him about the book, so he wanted to read it, I let him borrow it. He read it for the rest of the afternoon and finished it the next afternoon. He was crying at the end of the book and asked me if it was base on a true story, sadly yes.
Things I did not like in the book/movie
  1. They say the Lords name in vain too many times.
  2. They celebrate Halloween 
Overall it was very good book and movie.
If I was you, check it out,  you should.

                                                   A Poem  A Week

                                                        Darkness has taken hold of me.
Every time  I try and get away, to just get a glimpse of the SHINING LIGHT of the cross. It surrounds me with it's darkness, it tells me of my darkest sins, it tells I'm not worth it.  It tells me I'm a nobody. But when it's not looking I turn and run to the cross the SHINING LIGHT the hope. The place where darkness can't take hold of me. Then I heard a soft voice that says "Welcome home child".  For the cross has freed me.
-Suzy Joy